Unicorn Gundam [Unicorn] (PG)
Bandai(Including the deployment of face guard) full reproduction of Destroy Mode to the `` transformation from Unicorn mode - `Achieve third form` - Psycho red frame systemic Adopt Special Collections light resin - `Blade antenna that opens and closes at the moving makeover` is, beautifully expresses the one horned unicorn mode to insert a magnet. The inner surface of the antenna which is exposed to the Destroy mode painted in gold. - Without compromising the appearance of the impression, to pursue extreme range of motion of the elbow, knee - Erma ment unit of the knee around link movable form for each mode - Various marking adopted transparent thin film seal (Tetron seal) - Psycho frame UV emission by incorporating a dedicated LED unit (sold separately) - Accessories: Shield, beam magnum, beam Magnum for spare magazine, beam Gatling gun × 2, saber × 4 (beam parts × 2), hyper-Basuka, dedicated display base Item Size/Weight : 59.3 x 40.3 x 17.5 cm / 3380g