#017 Gundam Fenice Rinascita (HGBF)
BandaiAgain, the Phoenix rises from the ashes! The mutilated Wing Gundam Fenice is reborn as the Fenice Rinascita! - Based on the new HG kit from Italian Gunpla master Ricardo Fellini, the Rinascita was created as a customized Wing Gundam. An improvement over the previous Fenice, the Rinascita is able to transform into Neo-Bird form. - Transformation into Neo-Bird is made possible thanks to a re-created frame, and both shoulders are equipped with Beam Mantles. - Rinascita Rifle can be securely held. - Multi-Joint Parts allow other Boosters and backpacks to be equipped on the Rinascita. - Richly armed- the Rinascita Rifle alone can separate into a Buster Rifle, Hand Rifle, and Beam Sword. - Accessories: Rinascita Rifle (Buster rifle, Hand Rifle, Beam Sword), Rinascita Wing Shield, Beam Saber, Beam Mantle x2, Multi-Joint Parts x2 Item Size/Weight : 29.8 x 18.8 x 7.5 cm / 327g